
Acuvue TruEye Discontinued?

Acuvue TruEye Discontinued?

Here are some Best Alternatives


1-DAY ACUVUE® TruEye® Contact Lenses are everyday contact lenses of superior comfort, thanks to the HYDRACLEAR® 1 Technology. It ensures a continuous lubricated surface, making you feel like you are not wearing lens at all! 

However, earlier this year it was announced that Acuvue TruEye contact lenses will no longer be manufactured and released in Singapore. Only available specifications can be bought while the stocks last. 

What to do?

Starting from July 2022, 1-Day ACUVUE® TruEye® contact lenses will be unavailable. This would be a temporary set back for the regular users as you know, like in the past, discontinuation means of one-kind-of contact lens means there is going to be a new contact lens that is even more efficient. 

If you wear ACUVUE® TruEye® Contact Lenses, you can keep wearing them until your stock runs out, so what you’ll need to do is to see your eye doctor to get a new prescription for contact lenses. Or better yet, make sure to check out SG Contact Lenses for a stock.

Don’t worry. Allow me to assist you in deciding which pair to move to.

You can ask your optometrist to try different lenses that will make you comfortable or continue reading my recommendations. 

Better alternatives.


Lens that are made to catch up with today’s fast-paced lifestyles. Same manufacturer with more comfortable material

Product details:

ACUVUE® OASYS 1-DAY is designed with HydraLuxe™ Technology to help keep your eyes with a  comfortable feel throughout your day. Just like our natural tear film, it gives top of the line quality and superior comfort, crisp and clear vision all-day.

  • This lens will help with your demanding days if your eyes are tired from staring at electronic media or working in difficult environments. It is available with near sightedness (myopia) and far sightedness correction (hyperopia).
  • It has 30 lenses in a box which are daily disposables.
  • It has a high level of UV protection for a contact lens.
  • Its  exclusive HYDRALUXE™ TECHNOLOGY, allows people to enjoy all-day comfort, crisp vision and care. Tear-like substances in these contact lenses function with natural tead film to provide all-day comfort and convenience. 

  1. Alcon DAILIES TOTAL1® 

Made with new generation materials for all day comfort.

Product details:

Hydrogel contact lenses are thinner, have a higher degree of water content, and oxygen mode of transmission, whereas hydrogel contact contact lenses are easier to wear due to their better form.

The lens possess properties of the water gradient material have been optimised for everyday use. It can be used to create a new generation of “contactless” lenses that allow the eye to breathe as freely as possible. 

Based on a research from the Head of US Vision Care at Alcon, almost 44 percent of contact lens users undergo some form of uncomfortable feeling while using their contact lenses. So through the development of DAILIES TOTAL1®, contacts wearers can experience superior rejuvenating performance with its transformational visionary design. 

The innovation of DAILIES TOTAL1® contact lenses allows nearly 100 percent of water on the lens’ surface to provide superb comfort and breathability, an innovation which is truly remarkable. 

So, even after a full day of wear, Alcon’s DAILIES TOTAL1® water gradient contact lens offers outstanding comfort, removing any discomfort.

Here are its key features:

  • It was marked as the  first and only water gradient lens that provides maximum breathability and lubricity from center to surface.
  • The center of the water gradient contact lenses is made of a silica-based material with high oxygen permeability, which preserves the water content at 33% and prevents the lens from absorbing water from the eyes.
  • The outer layer, which comes into contact with the eye, is made of an ultra-soft hydrophilic surface gel with reticular structure and a water content of over 80%. The outermost layer’s water content approaches 100%, providing exceptional lubricity.
  • Commits to have a core water content of 33% that transforms to over 80% at the surface, and an external surface moisture content of approximately 100%, nearly identical to the surface of the cornea.
  • Excellent oxygen transmissibility of 156 Dk/t, allowing oxygen to freely flow through the lenses to the cornea, resulting in a bright and safe outlook for your eye.
  • It has 100 percent lasting lubricity that provides a groundbreaking contactless feel and outstanding comfort until the end-of-day.

Second Tier Alternatives

  • Where the power of hydrogel and daily contact lens combine

Water molecules become a component of the Proclear 1 day contact lens, they attributable to PC Technology™, giving it a natural immunity from drying.

  • Maintain a 96 percent hydration level during the day, even though you’ve been out for 12 hours.
  • Ensure an internal supply of oxygen to your eyes in order to keep them clean and bright.
  • When wearing contact lenses, it can help to alleviate eye dryness.
  • Natural dryness resistance
  • Correct Nearsightedness or Farsightedness


  • Biotrue® ONEday Contact Lenses 

Your eyes are naturally moist. However, your eyes can become tired, dry, and irritated during the day, making your vision fuzzy. Biotrue® ONEday lenses are made to function like your eyes, giving you clear vision all day.

Here are its key features:

  • Fulfils the oxygen level needed by an open eye to keep it healthy and white.
  • Imitates the lipid surface of the tear film to avoid dehydration.
  • To promote extraordinary comfort, it equals the moisture content of the cornea.
  • Provides High Definition Optics for a crisp, clear vision — all throughout the day along with sunglasses, it has UV protection which can help protect the eyes.
  • With a moisture agent enriched at the lens surface, it simulates one of a human’s  tear’s dehydration blockers.
  • Levels with the natural eye moisture

But what if you don’t want to change lenses?

Don’t worry, we (SG contact lens) still have supplies of 1-DAY ACUVUE® TruEye® Contact Lenses. So don’t forget to check out the site. 

Supplies limited until stocks last

When you wear contacts, do you get dirty, red eyes? Changing your contact lenses on a regular basis will help you get rid of proteins and allergens before they build up on your lenses.

Start giving your eyes exactly what they want, a crisp and clear vision by changing the pair of 1 day contacts every day. They’ll be at ease and comfort. 

Please contact your eye doctor if you have any concerns or to schedule an appointment.

Read more on our website.


  1. Penny
    05/09/2022 at 1:50 pm

    I have woren True eyes for years. The Moist ones won’t stay on, after a couple of hours, I blink and they pop out. Oasys are just the opposite, I use one whole Vail of refresh drops on each eye to get enough moist to be able to get them off. What do you think I should try?

    1. Sophie En
      22/09/2022 at 5:42 pm

      Hello Penny, thank you for your question. Comfortable in wearing lenses really depends upon individuality. What may be comfortable for me, may not be for you. It is better to consult your optometrist first and try different lenses that they can offer. Then, once you found the perfect lenses for you, then you may order from us.

  2. Evey
    18/11/2022 at 2:11 pm

    This is very bad, I wore the TueEyes for years and they worked great with my long hours of work in front of a computer screen. I tried the Oasys as a first replacement and they are very bad, my eyes feel tired and dry out fast 🙁

    1. Sophie En
      18/11/2022 at 2:35 pm

      Hello Evey,
      Yes, this model has already discontinued in many places. Luckily, SGCONS still available to order.
      Please check it here for Acuvue TruEye

  3. John c
    08/01/2023 at 4:44 am

    I also tried oasis and total. I can’t wear them for more than couple hours and I start blinking and they irritate my eyes. Only trueye worked for me. I tried all brands trial kits. I had this happened to me til trueye cam along and I didn’t have this problem anymore. I think there are others that have this problem that tru eye solved . What can you do when they discontinue this. I wish they know this…and would keep the tru eye line

    1. Sophie En
      09/01/2023 at 6:18 pm

      Luckily, we still have stocks for TruEye. Just send us a message if we still have stocks for the specific prescriptions you need. However, if we don’t have the stocks, then better change to the upgraded version from Johnsons, Acuvue Oasys.

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